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My Binance account is wrong - what do I do?How to correct your Binance balance.
How to use our Binance CSV statement manager without duplicating existing dataCan you use the Binance CSV upload for missing transactions after adding transactions manually?
What is the bed and breakfasting rule for cryptocurrency taxation?How are cryptocurrencies taxed in the UK? How does pooling work? How does bed and breakfasting work for Bitcoin?
Is the cost of a crypto tax calculator an incidental cost for capital gains tax?Can you deduct the cost of Recap from taxable gains? Is the cost of working out gains on cryptocurrency investments tax deductible?
Can I claim loss relief from HMRC if my cryptocurrency has lost all value?Can I claim losses for dead cryptocurrency projects? Can I claim tax back on cryptocurrency losses?
Can I claim loss relief from HMRC if my cryptocurrency has been lost?Can I claim tax losses against cryptocurrency that has been lost? Is losing cryptocurrency a taxable event?
Can I claim loss relief from HMRC if my cryptocurrency has been stolen?What to do if cryptocurrency is stolen? Can stolen cryptocurrencies be written off for tax purposes?
When do you pay income tax on cryptocurrency trading gains?Who is classified as a cryptocurrency trader by HMRC? How are cryptocurrency CFDs taxed? Do you pay income tax or capital gains on bitcoin?
What taxes do cryptocurrency miners pay in the UK?How are cryptocurrency miners taxed by HMRC? Do you pay capital gains tax or income tax on mining proceeds?
What taxes do I pay if I am paid in cryptocurrency in the UK?What taxes are paid on cryptocurrencies earned as salary? How much income tax is paid on cryptocurrency earnings?
How do I report cryptocurrency capital losses to HMRC?How do I report cryptocurrency losses to HMRC? How can I claim capital losses with HMRC? How can I offset cryptocurrency capital gains?
Can I gift cryptocurrency to my spouse to avoid capital gains tax in the UK?How can I offset capital gains tax? Can you gift cryptocurrency to your husband or wife to divide capital gains?
How to account for spouse transfers in RecapOptimising your tax position by gifting crypto to your spouse
Deposit and withdrawal conversionsDeposits and withdrawals can track implicit conversions if a sent amount or received amount is specified
Why have I got an unidentified asset?Issues with unrecognised tokens and how to correctly identify a coin
How to fix a missing acquisition error?What to do if I have missing acquisitions in Recap
How to delete an account?How to delete an account within Recap
What can be done if I forget my recovery phrase?Details on the importance of keeping your recovery phrase safe
My balances are incorrect - what should I do?Find out why your balance may be wrong and how to correct it.
Why is the price of my asset different on Recap?Why is a coin a different price on your exchange and Recap?
How can I change my base currency?Details on how to change your base currency
Can I change my tax method?How to change your tax approach and guidance on doing this
Why don't you support ABC coin?How to add a cryptocurrency not supported by Recap
How to import Metamask dataA guide to adding your Metamask data and interpreting Etherscan data
How to reclassify a transactionChanging a transaction type to affect the taxable impact
How accurate is the Recap tax report?Why does the Recap tax report come with a disclaimer? Why should I seek the advice of an accountant?
What are zero-cost errors?
Additional Services: CSV Concierge & Data ReviewInformation about Recap's additional paid services: CSV concierge and data reviews to help users with complex data
How to enable the Celsius bankruptcy toolInstructions on how to enable the Celsius bankruptcy tool
Configuring your Celsius bankruptcy rulesInstructions on how to configure your Celsius bankruptcy rules
How Ethereum transactions work in RecapUnderstanding your Ethereum wallet transactions in Recap
How is NFT activity categorised?How Recap categorises NFTs
Ethereum and DeFi Roadmap & Known IssuesDetails of the current limitation in Recap when dealing with Ethereum wallets
Sharing your data with Recap SupportInstructions on how to share your data with our Support Team
Can Recap account for a multi-chain wallet?How to add non-ethereum wallet data to your Recap account
Importing data into TurboTaxHow to import Recap capital gains/losses into TurboTax for filling your taxes
Why do you need my API keys?How do I know my account data is secure?
Does Recap have a mobile app?When will I be able to use Recap on the go?
Can I get a refund?How to cancel your paid subscription
Understanding Pool and Portfolio BalancesLearn the difference between pool and portfolio balances in Recap
Resolving Pool vs Portfolio Balance DifferencesHow to resolve differences between your Pool and Portfolio balances
Updating API Credentials for an Exchange API AccountHow to update your API credentials for an Exchange API account
Adding Manual TransactionsHow to add a manual transaction to Recap
How to add my wallet to Recap?Does Recap provided automated wallet support?