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Connecting your Bittrex account

A step-by-step guide for connecting your Bittrex account to Recap

Sam Adams avatar
Written by Sam Adams
Updated over a week ago

Recap supports integration with Bittrex through read-only APIs. Once connected, we pull in your transaction history and set up a real-time connection to your account. 

Unfortunately, we are slightly restricted by Bittrex's API so it may be necessary to import some of your legacy transactions via CSV (you will only have to do this once). We explain what to look for and how to go about this in the steps below.

Step 1 - Log into Bittrex to create your API Key and secret

  • Go to your account (A) and select API keys in the menu bar (B)

  • Click "Add new key..." (C)

  • A new key will be added as shown below. Toggle the permissions so that Read info is active then click Save (D)

  • Open the Google Authenticator App on your phone and copy the authenticator code for Bittrex into the field in the Bittrex app and click confirm.
    (Bittrex would have prompted you to download this app when you set up Two-Factor Authentication).

  • Your keys will be created and listed under the Key heading. Make sure to record these as you will not be able to see the secret key again.

Step 2 - Connect to your Bittrex account in Recap

  1. In Accounts click the Add Account button, in the top right.

  2. A modal appears, select Exchange API, then Bittrex from the list of exchanges.

  3. Type a name for the account and click next.

  4. Fill in the fields with the API Key and Secret Key you created in step one then click next.

  5. The modal closes and you'll be back in Accounts where a Bittrex card has been added. You'll see your data is syncing, depending on the volume of data this may take a few minutes. 

We strongly advise that you go through the next steps to ensure that your data is complete...

Step 3 - Fixing incorrect balances and missing transactions 

As explained, the Bittrex API is restrictive and may not return legacy transactions. If your balances look incorrect, then you will need to import these. Bittrex support provides your legacy transactions in three separate files: deposits, withdrawals and orders.

  1. Go to Bittrex support and click the "Submit a Request" button to file a support ticket for all your historic deposits, withdrawals and orders. We've drafted the below message that you can copy and paste.

    Hi Bittrex Support, 

    Can I get all of my legacy transactions for my account in the following csv formats:

    Order history with columns: OrderUuid, Exchange, Type, Quantity, Limit, CommissionPaid, Price, Open and Closed.

    Deposit history with columns: Id, Currency, Amount, Confirmations, LastUpdatedDate, TxId, and CryptoAddress.

    Withdrawal history with columns: PaymentUuid, Currency, Amount, Address, OpenedDate, Authorized, Pending, TxFee, Canceled and TxId.


  2. Once you have received your legacy data, in Recap click Manage Historic Data on your Bittrex account card.

  3. Then, browse and import the three CSV files received from Bittrex support.

Voila! Your Bittrex account data should now be fully complete. 

Need help?

Click Support in the bottom left of the app to talk to us directly or join our telegram group to chat with other users.

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