Recap supports direct integration with Bnk To the Future via read-only APIs. Once connected, Recap will retrieve all of your transaction history and set up a real-time connection to your account.
Step 1 - Create your API Key in Bnk To The Future
Select your account icon in the top right and click View Profile on the drop-down menu.
Navigate the page to the API Management section, then select Generate a View-Only API Key.
Copy the API Key, to your clipboard, ready to paste into Recap
Step 2 - Connect your Bnk To The Future Account in Recap
In Accounts, click the Add Account button, select Exchange API, then Bnk To The Future.
Give your account a name.
Enter the API Key you created in Step 1 and click Next.
Your Bnk To The Future account card will be created, and your data will start to be fetched. Please allow some time for us to retrieve the data - if you have a very large account history, this could take up to 5 minutes.
Need help?
Click Support in the bottom left of the app to talk to us directly or join our telegram group to chat with other users.