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Adding your CoinCorner Account
Scott Price avatar
Written by Scott Price
Updated over 4 months ago

Recap supports integration with CoinCorner via CSV files. Once set up, the Recap application will categorise your transaction history and calculate your tax position.

Step 1 - Download your CSV Files from CoinCorner

CoinCorner enables you to download CSV files that contain all of your transaction history Recap needs to calculate your taxes.

  1. Navigate to the Accounts page in CoinCorner

  2. Navigate to the CSV icon (middle right) to download your statements

  3. Switch accounts to download your EUR, GBP and BTC statements

Note: If you have ETH or LTC transactions, you don't need to download these statements, as we'll pick up the buys and sells from the GBP or EUR accounts.

πŸ’‘ If you preview your file in a spreadsheet editor like Microsoft Excel please do not resave it before uploading to Recap. Automatic formatting changes may occur that make the file unrecognisable to our software.

Step 2 - Create your CoinCorner Account in Recap and Upload your CSVs

  1. In Accounts, click the Add Account button, then select Exchange CSV, then CoinCorner.

  2. Give your account a name and click Next.

  3. You'll return to Accounts, where you now have an empty CoinCorner card.

  4. Click the Settings Cog and then Import CoinCorner CSV.

  5. Click Browse to find your CSV file and then click Import.

Congratulations, your CoinCorner transactions are now in Recap!

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