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Failed To Value

A guide resolving failed to value warnings

Scott Price avatar
Written by Scott Price
Updated today

Why is there a failed to value warning?

A "Failed to Value" warning occurs when Recap is unable to determine the value of a specific transaction. This can happen for two main reasons:

  • The transaction involves an unidentified asset.

  • There is a lack of pricing data from our data providers.

In some cases, this warning may appear for spam tokens that have been sent to your account. Since you likely haven't interacted with these tokens, it is usually unnecessary to assign a value to them.

How to Resolve a "Failed to Value" Warning

  1. Ensure Assets Are Correctly Identified:
    Begin by making sure all assets have been correctly identified by following the steps in the Unidentified Assets guide. If you have multiple transactions for the same asset, resolving the identification issue can often fix several "Failed to Value" warnings at once.

  2. Check for Valuation Issues:
    If the asset is correctly identified, there may be a valuation issue. Find the problematic transaction from the Activity screen and check the Prices tab for any red warning flags. If you see a No Prices flag, contact support so we can investigate the cause. This issue may be due to a lack of data from our pricing providers or an asset mapping problem.

  3. Manually Set Token Prices:
    Alternatively, you can manually set token prices. Press the blue Edit text next to the warning flag, enter the GBP value of one token, and then press the blue Save text. This will manually value the transaction and remove the "Failed to Value" flag.

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