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Reviewing the Income Report
Scott Price avatar
Written by Scott Price
Updated yesterday

The Income Report provides a detailed record of every income transaction made during a given tax year. You can access it by navigating to the Tax screen, selecting the relevant tax year card, and clicking the download button under the Reports section.

Use this report to review the income proceeds for each token. You can do this by examining each transaction line by line or by navigating to the Asset Summary section to see the total proceeds by token.

If the proceeds for any income transactions or assets seem too low or too high, or if you notice missing income transactions, here are some potential issues and how to resolve them

Asset Mapping Errors

A common cause of incorrect proceeds is incorrect asset mapping, which can lead to inaccurate or missing pricing.

Follow the steps outlined in the Unidentified Assets section to correct asset mapping.

Income Transaction Not Being Valued

If an income transaction hasn’t been valued, its proceeds will show as £0.

Refer to the Failed to Value section to address this issue.

Incorrect Transaction Type

If an income transaction is missing from your Income Report, it may have been assigned an incorrect transaction type.

Navigate to the Activity screen, apply filters to locate the transaction, and change the transaction type by pressing the Edit button under the Details tab.

If the Edit option is unavailable, update the transaction data in the source CSV file for the account. Once updated, re-import the CSV file into Recap.

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