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Matching Deposits and Withdrawals
Scott Price avatar
Written by Scott Price
Updated yesterday

Each Deposit transaction in your Recap account should have a corresponding Withdrawal from another account, and vice versa.

For example, if you deposit BTC into your Coinbase account, there should be a corresponding withdrawal from another account, such as a self-custody wallet or another exchange.

To ensure accuracy, manually match all deposits and withdrawals that represent internal movements between your accounts. After matching, carefully review any unmatched transactions to determine whether they are internal transfers or potentially taxable events.

To assist with this process, go to the Activity screen and filter by Deposit and Withdrawal transaction types. Scroll through the transactions and match them yourself by identifying internal movements between your accounts.

If you have many transactions, it might be easier to use the Export CSV function and perform this task in spreadsheet software like Excel or Google Sheets. This allows you to more easily match deposits and withdrawals by reviewing your transactions in bulk.

Unmatched deposits or withdrawals could suggest a missing account, such as a wallet or exchange. If you discover transaction data from a missing account, you can import it into Recap to fill in the gaps.

If you identify unmatched deposits or withdrawals that are not internal transfers, they may be acquisitions or disposals of crypto assets. In this case, you have several options:

  • Edit the transaction to reclassify it as the correct type.

  • Enter a manual trade to accurately reflect the actual transaction.

  • Use the Sent/Received in a different currency feature to account for the movement.

Note: If you have a Deposit that was actually an acquisition and you choose to add a manual transaction to reflect this, you may need to adjust your account balance to avoid double-counting the asset.

For example, if you have a Deposit of 1 LTC into an account that was actually a Gift, and you add a manual Gift transaction for 1 LTC, Recap will mistakenly show a balance of 2 LTC. To correct this, you could also add a Withdrawal for 1 LTC to balance the account.

Remember, Deposits and Withdrawals are simply movements of crypto, so they won’t affect your tax calculations unless they include a fee.

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