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Missing Acquisitions

How to resolve the missing acquisition status

Scott Price avatar
Written by Scott Price
Updated yesterday

What is a missing acquisition?

The missing acquisition status means that you have made a disposal but Recap cannot find when you originally acquired the asset to calculate the capital gain or loss for your tax report.

Recap defaults any missing acquisitions to zero cost, so your capital gain will always be the highest possible, ensuring you don't underpay on tax. It’s likely your total gain for the tax year will be inflated, so it’s worth spending some time to fill in the gaps.

How to solve a missing acquisition

Missing acquisitions are often caused by missing or inaccurate data - make sure you import all of your historical transactions into Recap, including every exchange or wallet you have used. Perhaps you have data from old exchanges or wallets that you no longer use? Even if they have not been used during the tax year you are reporting for, they may contain data that is connected to future transactions.

For example, if you purchased crypto using Kraken, transferred it to Coinbase and then disposed of it, your acquisition cost would be within Kraken, so you would need to connect both accounts to Recap to calculate the gain or loss on the disposal.

It's always advisable to keep your own records and download data regularly as exchanges are under no obligation to hold your data long term.

If acquisition data is not recoverable because you no longer have access to an account you should try to identify the cost as accurately as possible. You could try emailing the platform to request data or check through old bank statements to identify purchases.

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