The dashboard screen gives you an overview of the following useful information.
Crypto net worth
Here you can see the total value of your cryptoassets right now, as well as a capital gains tax estimate and the value of your crypto after this tax has been subtracted. Basically, if you were to exit right now, this is how much your crypto would be worth and how much tax you can expect to pay.
By clicking the calculator icon you can see a more detailed portfolio summary that includes further information like your total costs and unrealised gain or loss.
Active and Last Tax Year Summaries
These summaries show you capital gains tax estimates as well as your net gain/loss and any crypto asset income.
By clicking the calculator icon you can see more detailed information around tax allowances and tax bands. Click the cog icon to input the total of your non-crypto asset income - such as your salary - in order to get a more accurate summary of your potential tax liability.
Top assets
Here you can use the filter to see your top five assets sorted by:
most valuable
highest gains
lowest gains
The gains or losses displayed will be unrealised. These insights are particularly helpful as we start to approach the end of the tax year, when you might be looking for tax saving opportunities.
Recent transactions
Your five most recent transactions are displayed here giving information on:
the transaction type and date
token names and amounts
any realised gain or loss made on the transaction
If you have transactions occurring in multiple places, this area of the dashboard enables you to keep track of all those accounts and wallets within one platform.